
The Integrity of Children

Posted by andrew on September 22, 2014

P J McClure is a writer I have enjoyed for the past couple of years. He has a new blog/newsletter that looks promising, and this entry reminded me of a conversation Jim and I had on the porch that touched on the idea that "we're all God's special children". In the same way that adults can love and be blessed by a special needs child, we as adults from God's pov all have special needs. Put another way, none of us is as put together as we think we are, in kingdom terms. As brothers and sisters of our Heavenly Father, we need to cut each other a lot more slack to experiment, start over, find new truths, and rediscover old ones.

P J asks parents to rear their children into integrity rather than legitimacy, and that's a word we all need to hear. I think we can also benefit by applying the lesson to our adult lives as spiritual brothers and sisters. All of us have strengths that have corresponding weaknesses that are sometimes fearful, and our culture seems to be based on containing strength and creativity out of fear of the weakness and the unpredictable. Let's help each other take the gloves off and learn how to use our powers for good. It's risky, but worth it.

Check this out: Thawing — Anti-themes from Frozen


Posted by dan on
I spent a long time working on integrity in my adult life. I came upon another word that became pertinent: congruence. In my case, the pertinent issue was congruence with my own morality. Walking the walk vs. talking the talk. And being able to shed self righteousness (bad drivers were my acid test for cutting my fellow man some slack).
Posted by andrew on
Now there's some food for thought: "congruence with my own morality". Very provocative.
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